Archive for January 23, 2009

Change, A Call For Balance

How we are contributing ?

As we are celebrating the new time and new President , everyone is excited for the change that will follow. Although all may not be comfortable with the word change , it is always for better and is about growth.  Nothing stays the same any way and we could see that in nature. The question is asked much these days is , how we can contribute and help the change.

The truth is that we are always contributing in one way or another. For better or worse, in positive or negative way. Since  we are all connected and with our energy , our thoughts and actions we are affecting all  just like a ripple does. So the best way to help is starting with ourselves.

Keeping our inner and outer space clean and clear , creating peace for ourselves we contribute to the peace of the community, country and collective humanity. Feeling responsible for our physical health by eating and drinking and breathing consciously , we are contributing to the health of our community . Since communities are made of individuals just like the whole body is made of individual cells.

Choosing the right thought  , thoughts of truth , love and compassion and letting go of the beliefs that does not serve us any more will keep our mental space in balance and we feel joy so we could contribut to the joy of  our community. Since all minds are one in essence and even our thoughts affect others. Also by sitting still every day and hear the voice of silence is a way to create more peace in our envionment.

 Treating others with love and respect  , seeing their essence which is love  and looking for something good in them instead of judging them affects the energy we are sending out and how we are contributing and affecting others .

Connecting to our source through meditation and keeping our mind clear and our body healthy and more than anything creating balance and therefore happiness in our lives we are contributing since we can’t give what we don’t have.

Calling for change is for everyone . Everything that happened was only preparation for the ultimate growth . It is about changing values for higher  more meaningful ones with higher vision for our world. Choosing love rather than fear, peace over war , cooperation over competition as well as being giving Vs. taking , accepting Vs. rejecting , understanding than blaming , appreciating than criticising , conscious than unaware , kind and powerful than forceful , opimistic rather than pessimistic .

Above all it is about creating Balance . Every problem including the economy, war or even natural disasters are all effects  of imbalance . With Creating balance in our body, mind and soul, we will enjoy a life of balance and we could act in balanced way , balance in giving and recieving , activity and rest as well as balance of  head and heart , our inner and outer relationships so we can be a living example for others and could help them in a better way and be of a better service to others . We can start by being a little more kind , a little more generous and little more understanding in our realations and bring a little more awareness to our choices.We can’t change the world unless we change ourselves first.



January 23, 2009 at 9:54 pm Leave a comment

January 2009