New Year,New You

January 1, 2009 at 3:50 am Leave a comment

Happy New year ! 

New year is usally exciting time of the year since it is about starting new again. Besides setting goals toward our dreams and resolutions, I believe  it is about renewing our mind , body and soul. All three needs to be in balance in order for us to feel happy and fulfilled.

It is about renewing attitudes toward life itself by changing our mind from negative to positive , to  be grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have . To evaluate and let go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back by focusing on what is possible.

It is about renewing our relationships by looking at everyone with new eyes and see their essence as well as trying to understand , rather than being understood since understanding opens the door for another for understanding and  to renew our heart by letting  go of resentments and open our heart with the gift of forgiveness.

It is about new choices and decisions to build new habits that are empowering and life enhancing . It is about using new words of encouagement and uplifting for ourselves and others. It is about thinking in a new way that brings joy to our life and life of others. Thinking thoughts of love , compassion and faith. It is about new acts of kindness to make someone happier than they were before.

It is about looking at ourselves in a new way and appreciate and celebrate our successes . Also  accept and love ourselves for even our failures . It is about sharing our time , resources and money in a new way that changes lives for better and bring happiness to our life for the joy of giving.

It is about sharing our gifts of inspiration  and love in a new way .  It is about renewing our body by putting life supporting food and renew our soul by finding our passion and do what we love to do . It is about approaching life in a new way by focusing on solutions rather than problems , knowing that problems only make us stronger .

It is not limited to once a year . We could make everyday a new beginning by looking at life in a New way . Since life is everyday and it matters how our attitude is day to day and every moment. We don’t have to wait another year to celebrate , we can celebrate  life every day by the way we live that day. Everyday we could be happy by being enthusiastic and think new happy thought and say new happy words and love and live in a new fresh way. Above all we can choose peace and feel renewed and make every day New year’s day with  reconnecting to our source and feel at one with the supreme by being still and have quiet moments.

Happy New year !

Happy New you !


Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Holy-Days vs. Holidays Change, A Call For Balance

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January 2009